The Oman Centre for Early Intervention and The University of Nizwa commissioned us to create and deliver a teacher training programme for inclusive early years practitioners working in with Al-Wafa Rehabilitation Centres for Disabled Children across the country in a bespoke partnership with the Institute of Education, University of London. This project, which extended over several years, established the first cohort of professionals in Oman able to advocate for early childhood intervention as the foundation for lifelong inclusion of disabled children and reformed the capacity of schools, communities and resource centres to be able to include them.
This is what our clients said:
“The Oman Early Intervention – UK Partnership you have helped us set up consolidates strong international ties for the country, bringing our work in to line with leading researchers and academic institutions in Europe and the Arab world”
Chancellor, University of Nizwa
“Your excellent training has helped us organise for the participation of children with special needs involving volunteers, families and the whole community. We now have new financial, moral and technical capacity”
Special Education Supervisor
The General Directorate
“After working with you we feel we can establish ourselves as a leading regional institution forging new horizons for best practice in a range of specialist practitioner fields in Oman”
Director, Early Year Intervention Council